Duke it out in DC (Duke Nukem 3D)
Duke it out in DC was the first addon for Duke 3D done by Sunstorm. I worked on it out of my dorm room at UT Austin and was originally only contracted to write the installer, but also got to build the secret level while Robert Travis built most of the other wonderful levels (and many more for the other Sunstorm projects).
Cryptic Passage (Blood)
Cryptic Passage was developed after Duke it out in DC. This was the period I had finished my time at UT Austin and getting ready to move to Indiana so I could work for Sunstorm full time. We wrapped it up the first couple of weeks after I arrived, so most of the work was done remotely from Texas.
For this project I was focused on dramatically improving the GAMER program and installer. It became much more flexible and game agnostic, allowing us to use it for all of the add-ons being produced. I also kept my hands dirty in the editor and made a simple deathmatch level called Deadly Inspirations. I don’t have Blood installed so I’m unable to verify that the map even works, but I’m providing it for download for the time being in case anyone’s curiosity is piqued.
I don’t remember much about the level, and don’t have any screenshots to provide. As soon as I’m able to track down a copy of Blood and get it to load I’ll post more.
The add-on was well received by Blood fans, and is a solid addition to the Sunstorm library.

Life’s a Beach (Duke Nukem 3D)
Life’s a Beach was an absolute blast to work on as we got to make many more changes to the game than in any of the other addons. It was definitely silly and absurd, but has stood out as one of the most well received expansions for any Build Engine game.
Wanton Destruction (Shadow Warrior)
The levels worked on for Wanton Destruction has a much more thorough writeup.
Suckin’ Grits on Route 66 (Redneck Rampage)
My direct contribution to Suckin’ Grits on Route 66 for Redneck Rampage was pretty limited. I was focused on Wanton Destruction almost full time while it was in production. I wrote the installer (an update to the existing version used on previous add-ons) and updated the GAMER program which I wrote for Sunstorm to manage all of the add-ons we created. This mostly meant learning what the differences were between the Redneck Rampage version of Build and what I was used to with Duke 3D, Shadow Warrior, and Blood so the setup programs would work properly.
I played the levels as they were in production and there was some entertaining stuff going into them. Unfortunately I never did play the final product as I left for Ritual before it was complete.